
About Us

We're outside a lot.

We wander around in the woods, in the drizzling rain, sporting socks inside our sandals, chewing on dried seaweed... and we turn into gear-heads. When we pack our bags, we can be very particular about what we bring along. If it's not unique, we don't get excited about it. If it's not useful, we don't want it weighing us down.

We have fun, but we have issues:
We kayak around islands and give ourselves whopping blisters, see beautiful scenery everywhere but get tired of taking our clunky DSLRs in/out of our packs, and we're surrounded by tinder and wouldn't dream of packing in foreign material for our campfires.

Which brings us to our shop...
We're outdoorsmen who've found particularly clever, innovative, and useful gear to solve our everyday problems. We don't pretend to be a one-stop-shop, we're not trying to cover all your bases. We just sell simple products that solve those pestering problems. We try to stick to items that're in the gift-giving territory ($10-30), because we want to solve your problem, then we want you to come back and solve that problem for your friends. Simple as that.

What we ask of you:
Please, shop our store and use the gear you buy to have even more fun doing the things you already love doing. When you're done, we'd love it if you sent us feedback on everything you did and didn't like, pictures of you and your friends using our gear, and tales of your adventures! We've only just opened our doors and, as you can imagine, our site's still a little rough around the edges. While we finish touching things up (loading pictures, bringing more things into stock, etc.), please peruse our aisles, take something home, and let us know what you think.

What we offer:
$3 shipping on any order, no hassle returns, and a medley of random prizes (if you send in an exceptional picture or story, you'll be in the running for one).



We currently only have a handful of our favorite products up for sale, but we're working as fast as we can to add the rest. Thanks for taking a moment to read about us, now go ahead and buy something then go back outside. :)